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Release Notes v7.2



Global Filter
  • No more selecting the same filter parameters over and over! Your last selected parameters will be kept, even if you log out from the platform. Note: This is per browser, so no roaming profiles (just yet).
Fault Detection
  • The Customer Name column is now a default column for Fault Detection.
Optimization, Scenario Analysis
  • Added the functionality for users to rename saved simulation. Throw away those notepads, users can now choose a custom name for any saved simulation.
  • Added trend values to all KPI cards on the Distribution dashboard. It should now be a lot easier to get a wholistic image of your distribution versus the last year


Global Filter
  • Fixed a bug where the include/excludes filter setting would not be affected by the reset of all filters.
Map View
  • Fixed a bug where the amount of substations filtered on the map view, would incorrectly calculate the total of substations.
Optimization, Scenario Analysis
  • Fixed a bug that would cause parameter values to appear empty, even when they are filled.
Data Library
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the web app to crash when a user switches between different types of column filters.
Return Temp Analysis
  • Fixed a bug where the last compared month value would be empty, when doing a comparison.
Fault Detection
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the map on the sidebar to be empty.
Substation/Cluster Explore
  • Fixed a bug where the legend of the reference period would fail to render correctly, especially on languages with longer words (looking at you German).
  • Fixed various minor bugs.
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